Saturday, February 1, 2025

Fallout Multiverse Game - Creation

Someone should create a:

Fallout Multiverse Game

where some of the most notable characters and stuffs from the Fallout games (and worlds) can be incorporated such as:

the Pip-Boy, Dogmeat, Power Armor, Ian, Vault Boy, Bozar, Cassidy, Nuka-Cola, Kitsune, Sgt. Dornan, Wanamingos, Skynet, Liberty Prime, Sierra Petrovita, Fat Man, Codsworth, the Highwayman, Nick Valentine, Deathclaws, Alien Blaster, Cait, the Prydwen, Fawkes, Mr. Gutsy, Veronica, Big Boy, Lucy Maclean, Curie, Nuka-nuke launcher, Paladin Danse, Piper, ED-E, Cass, and more...

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Ronn Mach is One of the Best Fallout 2 Gamers

Ronn is One of the Best Fallout 2 Gamers

Oh it’s Such a Joy, and Fulfilling too – to Be One of Best Fallout 2 Gamers !!!!!

Ronn has become this while publicly sharing his very first Fallout 2 Restoration Project Playthrough this year (it's still ongoing as of today)

For F2 fans and players who want to view Ronn's Extraordinary Gameplays, just click this link:

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

There are Infinite Reasons why We chose to be here on Earth

Source is Infinite – and We are Parts of Creator (God)

thus We are Infinite too

and We have infinite reasons why We chose to incarnate on Earth

Friday, June 7, 2024

Ronn Mach’s Fallout 2 Masterplay video

This is Absolutely Great

Ronn has created the very first publicized Fallout Masterplay video in history

(by this I mean the one and only Fallout gaming vid with Masterplay in its title – so far)

In this masterful gameplay video, he shares his cunning Infighting Maneuver creation

this term is Inspired by The Riker Maneuver (off the movie Star Trek: Insurrection)

Thus Ronn can now be considered as one of the Best Fallout 2 gamers around

There has been a resurgence of Fallout gameplays on the net in these recent times – thanks

to the popular Fallout tv series

Monday, March 11, 2024

Ronn’s remark with regards Ciri’s Empress Ending (Witcher 3)

For a Witcher 3 die-hard who’s gone through it all with Geralt and Ciri, this 

heartbreakingly surreal Moment, made more intensely Beautiful by the haunting music – can

only cause tears to stream freely down one’s cheeks

An Unforgettable Instance in time that will be cherished forever

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

My Galactic Self – a Starfighter (known thru a Dream Experience)

My daytime dream of today has affirmed that I have a Galactic self, who is an incarnation (holon) of my HS (Higher Self) /Oversoul

In my dream I was living somewhere in the universe (far from Earth) and I was recruited to

become a fighter by a more advanced group of beings that are battling for the light (I believe

that they are a mixture of various galactics)

We rode a starship and flew down onto a planetoid’s surface which had several squarish-

shaped structures that were beige in color (each had a couple of dark lines on the outside –

positioned kinda like the ribbons on a giftbox)

This place has an energetic security system that automatically attacks and destroys lower

density ones – the realization came to me as I saw dark blue light beams being fired at some

of my co-recruits, which disintegrated them lolz

And I was hopeful I won’t be targeted lolz, confident that I have high vibrations that would get

me thru safely – cause this is a place that is exclusive for high frequency beings

We entered one of the “buildings” and started to go up via a lift

Must be one of their battle stations

and then I woke up

Waketime: the recruit is really me – and I’m him

My inkling is that im gonna be a starfighter for this federation – oh yeah

This Great Dream confirms that I’m indeed a starseed (defined in this sharing as someone

who has an offworld incarnation) which for me is a Dream Come True !!!!!

And this made me reminisce of other space-based dreams I’ve had in the past – and the realization that some of them are my holons’ experiences

Now I have a greater seeing why I love scifi, starseed stuff, and so on

Also of being into trooper stuff (like creating bliss stories where I’m an elite warrior with

sophisticated gear, and fighting deadlies around the universe)

Friday, March 1, 2024

ADVANCED RONN MACH - Ronn's Great new site

Ronn Mach has created his Great site:


this site shares his Advanced stuff - oh yeah