(October 5, 2020)
God Is Your Highest Self
- Ronn Mach
Angel Planet - a Blissest Planet where Blonde Angels live
Where I can Have All the Blonde Angels I Want
(Ronn Harddon)
Ronn Harddon has set another World Record in gaming - this time in Alien Zone Plus
Ronn is the Sole Player who has reached Stage 20 (Hardcore round) in free mode (never buying any thing with real money)
Update: Ronn has reached Mystic Round in free mode (October 18, 2020) - the sole player who has done so
Strat: Maxed my heroine to Level 60 and focused on damage - HP traits
This Incredible Feat was achieved by a Gifted Gamer (something that's impossible for average players). For it requires:
1. Mastery of the various maps (e.g. knowing where the enemies are, usually) and astutely making use of advantageous spots
2. Courage Under Fire - steel determination against overwhelming odds - e.g. moving slowly and surely even when surrounded by numerous deadlies (selfterm by RH).
The hard bravery (phrase created by RH) to face the more dangerous creatures head on
3. Knowing the right items to use and upgrade for max damage (as much as possible) and greater survivavility
4. Mastery of the various enemy AIs' moves/reactions/offensive styles/etc. in the entire battleground
5. Great gaming agility and cunning -making best use of what's available (e.g. 6% max speed limit and 15% max HP limit for free mode) - to triumph over what seems to be insurmountable odds for others
Making use of my extraordinarily fast reflexes as I battle these deadly ones
Also properly timing my shockwave and shield abilities
6. Superb Gamer's Instinct - Right Positioning during critical encounters. Knowing when to hit and when to run
7. Super Level Gaming actually - and Ronn himself is Truly Amazed by his own Brilliance !!!
The Gifted Gamer makes the Impossible Possible
(World Record was set last August 16, 2020)
* Special Note: Ronn has discovered 2 locker areas where his heroine can be completely hidden from view - lolz
Update: Ronn has bettered his World Record - he's reached the final boss (September 12, 2020)