All Energies are God Energy ❤
- Ronn Mach
Godly Self-Insight ❤
Everybody wants to Realize his/her Life Dreams while here
on Earth
You can Make Your Dreams Come True (even without
resources) - by using
your Imagination !!!!!
When you Realize your Dreams, you get Fulfilled
And these are what We Want in Our Lives - Fulfillments ❤
There are two simple steps to Realize Your Dreams via imagings:
First, specify the Dream/s that you Want to Come True
Then Imagine yourself Experiencing It/Them
That’s It !!!!! You have Made Your Dreams Come True !!!!!
(in your imagination)
And after this, what’s next ?
Well, there’s Transcension (or Transcendence). Yes, you
now Go Beyond Your Dreams
Every Soul Path is Unique – thus the choice is
yours – on where you want to go next
* Souls have Their life review when they return Home (to Heaven)
- after their earth life
* Billy’s Soul (read the book The Afterlife of Billy
Fingers) shared about his life review in the Spirit Realm – where he saw and
experienced all of the life paths possible for his recent earth life
Thus he experienced all of his Earth Life Dreams in the
Spirit World
Well, I’m Inspiring you – that you don’t have to transition
yet (from the Earth Realm) in order to Have Your Dreams Come True
Because you can Make Them Come True in your Imagination
And Billy, because he’s a Spirit already – eventually found
his earth life experiences boring
So he went exploring the Cosmos (Multiverse)
For he was already in a Transcension State/Level
(Selfcreation of Ronn Mach – November 22, 2021)
(last update: 11/23/2021)
Legacy Message (LM) - a collection of Your Most Valuable Messages for others – before You are physically gone from Earth forever
It is your open letter to your co-humans
Everyone should have an LM – where one freely shares what he/she
wants to tell people
When you do your LM it is Best to pretend that You only
have some hours or days to live. This way you are able to Focus on the Most
Significant Things that you want to leave with the world
LM is your chance to express what you want to express –
while you are still here on Earth
In your LM, you:
> can express what you are unable to tell your loved
ones directly
> can give explanations on why you did some stuff
> (and more)
The LM should have 2 time stamps – one tells the day you
created it. The second gives the last update. These will show how much you’ve
Advanced in your LM creation
Remember – change is inevitable. Your Messages will Evolve in time
So do your LM while you still have the chance
(Ronn Mach's Creation)
last update: November 10, 2021
Love is Our Divine Power ❤
- Ronn Mach
God Insight by Ronn Mach
We Are Divine Always ❤
- Ronn Mach
Source (God) is the All
We are Part of God